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Jim Cornette Comments on Sexual Misconduct Allegations, Accusers Respond

Jim Cornette - Wrestling Examiner

Jim Cornette has responded to allegations of sexual misconduct against him and his wife Stacey Cornette. As we reported earlier several wrestlers have accused Cornette and his wife, who was known as Synn during her time in OVW, of using their authority to groom young talent and eventually leverage them into performing sexual acts with Stacey as Cornette watched.

The allegations were first brought up by independent wrestler Phil Earley, OVW alumni Body Guy, and former OVW Champion Mike Braddock. Early even provided screenshots of alleged conversations he had with Stacey.

Earlier today Cornette took to Twitter to refute the allegations against him and his wife. He didn’t specifically deny the allegations, but made a sarcastic reference to the infamous conspiracy hoax “Pizzagate.” He also added,

“Helpful hint: I have been told that when you’re faking screenshots of something that ‘happened’ years ago, you shouldn’t use the person’s profile picture that’s only been up a week and a half. It’s the little things, but that’s for attorneys to discuss.”

Unfortunately for Cornette, his comments about faked screenshots are not entirely accurate as it appears that they came from Facebook Messenger, where the current profile picture is shown opposed to the one that was being used at the time of the message. So if we assume that Earley took the screenshots yesterday from his Facebook Messenger history it would show Stacey Cornette’s current profile picture.

Other than the posts she made last night on Earley’s Facebook page, Stacey Cornette has not commented on the allegations.

According to Earley he is denying he’s trying to get any publicity and only wants,

“two scumbags to be held accountable, and I want to know why so many established names knew and never acted.”

Mike Braddock also responded, saying that Cornette,

“is more than welcome to address any of this with me publicly. He has me blocked though so it’s on him. He has every right to his side of the story. I’m just not hearing or seeing it.”