On the latest episode of The Snake Pit with Jake Roberts, the WWE Hall of Famer shared insightful stories about the fan reactions to Kevin Sullivan’s controversial devil-worshiper gimmick during its early days. Roberts reflected on how the gimmick shocked and captivated audiences, offering a glimpse into the impact it had on both fans and the wrestling industry at the time. In addition to discussing Sullivan’s character, Roberts delved into a range of other fascinating topics from his career, providing listeners with behind-the-scenes stories and personal experiences. Below, you can find some of the most notable highlights from the episode (thanks to 411mania).
Jake Roberts on the fan reaction to Kevin Sullivan’s early devil gimmick:
“They reacted pretty well, because Kevin was into this devil thing. And they acted pretty strongly towards that. In fact, we had a bunch of devil worshipers come to Tampa and sat ringside. Oh yeah, all dressed in black and hoods on and all sorts of s**t. It’s pretty crazy.”
Jake Roberts on Kevin Sullivan’s gimmick:
“Kevin went with it, man, he went all the way with it.”
Jake Roberts on working a main event with Dusty Rhodes in CWF:
“It was a special moment for me. You know, being in the ring with one of the greatest performers of all time. And [I was] just so excited, so pumped, so nervous. I was f**king nervous as s**t, just worried that I was going f**k up, you know, but that’s natural. And to go out there and perform and then him be happy afterwards, that was a great thing.”
Kevin Sullivan had a real cool gimmick when he was younger.