Another theory does exist in the Chris Benoit murder/suicide case. Some people believe Benoit and his family were murdered by Kevin Sullivan. They believe that Sullivan was a practicing Satanist, and had vowed to kill Benoit after he stole his wife. Chavo Guerrero claims to have been on the phone with Chris Benoit shortly before his death, and he recalls someone coming to the door while he was still on the phone with Benoit. Guerrero claims he heard some sort of commotion before the call was ended, and that when Benoit called him back he sounded disoriented. The theory has obviously never been proven, but the reasoning behind the murders is irrelevant. The end of Chris Benoit‘s life could quite possibly be the saddest end to a wrestler’s story ever. The man fought and clawed his way to the top of an industry that his stature indicated he had no business being in. He was said to be too small and not charismatic enough to ever make it big, but he proved every single one of his critics wrong. He proved that a professional wrestler didn’t have to be all flare and no substance. That being a great in ring talent was enough of a gimmick to be World Champion. The deaths of Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero changed the world of pro wrestling forever. They can almost be looked at as wrestling’s version of the Tupac and Biggie murders, considering that the landscape of all four men’s professions changed dramatically after their deaths. There’s no telling what Benoit would’ve accomplished had he not passed away. He would’ve definitely been crowned ECW Champion, and another World Championship reign might have even been in the cards. Not to mention the indirect impact his death had on WWE‘s brands. At the time of his death, Benoit was set to anchor the ECW brand. Who knows? Maybe with Benoit as champion, the brand would’ve survived and flourished. If the ECW relaunch never gets canceled, there’s a real possibility that NXT never exist. It was NXT that replaced ECW when it went off the air, not the same awesome version that Triple H cultivated, but a version of it nonetheless. Benoit and Guerrero both went before their time, but at least Eddie got the praise and respect he deserved. Guerrero’s legacy is set in stone, he’s regarded as one of the best and most revolutionary performers in the history of the business, and Benoit should be right there next to him. The fact that he’s not is a true shame. No more triple German suplexes, no more “Toothless Aggression,” no more Diving Headbuts, no more Crippler Crossface, and sadly for the wrestling world and all its fans…no more Chris Benoit…
Erased! The Tragic Story of Chris Benoit

I'm Wesly Avendano. Life long wrestling fan from a small town in Southern California. Writing and wrestling are two of my passions so why not combine them and see what happens. I'm currently the host of Flashback Wrestling Podcast. Favorite all time wrestler is a tie Bret Hart. Favorite current wrestler is AJ Styles. Don't forget to follow me, and the Flashback Wrestling Podcast on Twitter @fbwpodcast and Instagram @flashbackwrestling.
Extremely traggic just like the title says.
I still can’t believe this really happened.