Former WWE Champion AJ Styles made his in-ring return at last night’s Royal Rumble, competing in the men’s match. Entering at No. 21, Styles was eventually eliminated by Logan Paul. After the match, Styles spoke with Cathy Kelley in a WWE digital exclusive to reflect on his return. Here are some highlights:
AJ Styles on his return at the Royal Rumble:
“Did you notice that I wore the same gear, too? Pretty much same colors, everything pretty much. Wow, almost the same experience with the fans, the WWE Universe. It’s been a minute cuz I’ve been hurt and I’m back. But, man, that feeling that you get when you walk down that aisle and thousands of people are screaming. It doesn’t get me, but it doesn’t get, I don’t know if it gets any better than that. Does it get much better than that? I don’t think so, I don’t know. It’s why I’m still doing this.
AJ Styles on being eliminated from the Royal Rumble by Logan Paul:
“I’ll never live that down, getting eliminated by Logan Paul. [On CM Punk also being eliminated by Paul] Well, I’m not alone in the shame, I guess. But you know what? I got out there and I did what I needed to do. I stayed long there, I was in there with the big dogs and I held my ground. Unfortunately, I didn’t see the one coming behind me who apparently jumped on the table scaffold his way back over to the steps and caught me off guard. But this is the WWE, you will lose, you will win. Accept it, move on, next big thing.”