The April 29th episode of WWE NXT aired on the USA Network. The show featured two interim NXT cruiserweight tournament matches, the first one being between El Hijo del Fantasma and Isaiah “Swerve” Scott. The second tournament match was between Tony Nese and Drake Maverick. Two women matches took place tonight also as Kacy Catanzaro took on Candice LaRae, and Mia Yim faced Charlotte Flair. The main event was Keith Lee defending his NXT North American Championship against Damian Priest. You can check out the results and highlights below.
Results For WWE NXT (4/29)
- Isaiah “Swerve” Scott defeated El Hijo del Fantasma (Interim NXT Cruiserweight Title Group B Match)
- Candice LeRae defeated Kacy Catanzaro.
- Charlotte Flair defeated Mia Yim
- Dexter Lumis defeated Shane Thorne
- Drake Maverick defeated Tony Nese (Interim NXT Cruiserweight Title Group A Match)
- Keith Lee defeated Damian Priest (retained NXT North American Champion)
Highlights For WWE NXT (4/29)