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Our Favorite Wrestling Potheads|Stoners|Marijuana Advocates

Necro Butcher - Wrestling Examiner - WrestlingExaminer.comNecro Butcher – Most remember Necro Butcher as the Hardcore wrestler who appeared on the movie “The Wrestler” with Mickey Rourke, but not me. Back in 2008 I attended the XPW Cold Day In Hell event in California. I arrived early so I was out with my friends in the parking lot talking about what we expected to see later in the show. Suddenly we hear someone next to us talking about political issues and current affairs. He sounded like a college professor. I turned and see Necro Butcher there taking a puff of a joint and talking about some serious issues with the fans. That image of Necro with a joint in his hand always pops up in my mind whenever I see his name.